The Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages
Moscow State Linguistic University


Facts & Figures

Let’s ask our students who are studying towards an MA (Linguistics) for their opinions on their MSLU experience


MSLU doesn’t just give you a language to speak. It gives you a whole new world of ideas to speak about and, most important, the right people to speak to.


MSLU is a constant joyful challenge. This University didn’t only give me excellent knowledge and broadened my horizons – it has literally formed my personality. Inspiring professors have completely changed my way of thinking: they’ve taught me to be bold, stress-resistant and self-confident. This place turns hard-working students into confident specialists with multiple skills who can cope with any task with dignity. I’m absolutely sure that at the end of my studies I will be able to say proudly I CAN DO ANYTHING!


When I was at school, I thought of MSLU as of a Hogwarts for language lovers where you don’t just learn languages but make them an essential part of your life. Having studied here for five years, I can safely say that this university surpassed all my expectations. I am now convinced that if you want to study under the guidance of the best language teachers in Russia, travel round the world and feel at home even when you are abroad, enjoy your university years to the full and have an interesting and rewarding job in the future, then MSLU is definitely the place for you.


I first came here on a MSLU Open Day when I was sixteen. A quick tour around the historical site was enough for me to realise this university would be an inspiring place to study. It was indeed here that I fell in love... twice! My first love was English, followed by Italian.