Moscow State
Linguistic University
The Maurice Thorez Institute
of Foreign Languages
MSLU is a hub organisation for language and culture studies of the CIS states

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The Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages / Moscow State Linguistic University

On February 18, 2019 MSLU Rector Irina A. Kraeva met with Marcin Godava, Doctor of Theology, Director of the Institute of Spiritual Theology at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland.
This event has become a step forward towards promotion and development of academic and educational ties with the Pontifical University of John Paul II. The cooperation will allow to implement exchange programmes of professional development, to share spiritual experience, and practice the Polish language. 
After the meeting, Dr. Godava gave a lecture on the role of poetry in spiritual contemplation "Poetry as a way of meditation and contemplation" describing some methods of interpreting spiritual works based on his own translations of Modern Times poetry of English and Polish poets. After the lectures there were lively round-table discussion.

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