
Месяц иностранных языков

Месяц иностранных языков
14 февраля 2018
С начала февраля в Предуниверситарии проходит месяц иностранных языков. Ребята принимают участие в конкурсах по изучаемым языкам, готовят и представляют языковые проекты, знакомятся дополнительно с культурой и обычаями стран изучаемого языка, а также обсуждают философские темы бытия на изучаемом языке.

From childhood we were told that without the past there is no present and real future as well. However, the future cannot be created only from the present, it brings some things from the past. Only the set of the past and the present is the basis on which the future grows.

Someone will say you can try to throw away the past and create your future according only to the present. Of course, it’s possible, BUT any attempt to ignore your story will sooner or later lead to the fact that this past will remind of itself in the future and become a constant reminder.

And what this reminder will be, useful or not, no one knows.

But are we always ready to build the present from the past, and the future from the past and the present? Unfortunately, not everyone can do this.

If we "looked back" on the past, comparing it with the present, took into account and applied the past, several things wouldn’t be “unexpected” for us. A person analyzing the situation, ignoring the past in the present, begins to understand that this "unexpected" thing is not so "unexpected". But in fact it is quite natural.

And this ignoring of the past and the present occurs in most cases, despite the fact that a person keeps faith in the best. This faith is impossible to be realized without the comparing the past and the present.

Dmitry Ostroumov, student 10 "G"

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