The Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages
Moscow State Linguistic University

Rector Irina Kraeva Meets Counselor of the Indian Embassy

Rector Irina Kraeva Meets Counselor of the Indian Embassy

On September 1, Subrata Das, Minister Plenipotentiary, Counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of India in Russia, visited MSLU. During the visit, he addressed the first-year students at the ceremonial assembly and met with the rector of MSLU Irina Kraeva.
They both noted with satisfaction that the cooperation of our university with Indian universities is expanding. Thus, in June 2023, an agreement was signed with the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management (IISWBM), located in western Kolkata. As part of this cooperation, six students from there spent two months at MSLU on an exchange program, and in the fall, a return trip there is planned for master's students and a teacher from MSLU programs International Journalism and Advertising and Public Relations. Our university also signed an agreement with Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi) and is negotiating with other Indian universities.
Then the minister met with Indian students of the Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management who were at MSLU. The guys asked Mr. Minister questions about career opportunities, areas of study and his own experience of study and work.

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