The Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages
Moscow State Linguistic University

Open Days at MSLU

At the end of November, a number of events were organized at MSLU to make the public and school-leavers aware of the university’s academic and educational potential. 
The series of Open Days was started by the Faculty of the Humanities. Presentations were also made by the Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, Institute of International Relations and Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of IT Security and Faculty for International Students. MSLU has been steadily consolidating its positions in Russian and European rankings, and in global sociological surveys. Every MSLU graduate acquires not only practical skills for a particular job, but also masters at least two foreign languages. Altogether, 35 languages are taught and 12 Centres of Languages and Cultures operate at the university.

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