The Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages
Moscow State Linguistic University

MSLU among Top Ranking Universities of the World.


On September 19, 2019, the Three University Missions Moscow International
University Ranking (MosIUR, or the Moscow ranking) released a list of top 1,200
universities in the world, with MSLU ranking within the 801-900 band.
The Three University Missions Ranking is a new tool to evaluate top three key
academic missions – education, research and integration into society (societal
impact). This year the list expanded to more than 1000 universities, thus meeting
the standards of major international rating agencies. The 2019 ranking features
1,200 universities from 79 countries, including 74 Russian universities compared
to 333 universities in the 2018 ranking. Moreover, this year the ranking underwent
international assessment of 16 leading international experts who reviewed the
preliminary ranking.

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