The Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages
Moscow State Linguistic University

THE UN Program: Online classes and students’ feedback.

For simultaneous translation classes our students require either a PC/tablet for Skype connection and a smartphone/tablet with headphones for listening to the recordings.

At the start of the class every student listens to the recording on his smartphone/tab and translates simultaneously in Skype. All the students play the recording at once at the teacher’s command. One of the students starts translating and the rest are listening carefully to him.
Feedback from Viktoria Tuchina, a student of the preparation program for entrance examinations to the preparation program for work in international organizations and UN competitive language exams.
Before the quarantine I never thought I’d have to translate remotely during my university studies. At first it was quite hard to organize the working process and get used to the new format. All of us were learning a new approach, and now we can cope with almost the same amount of work as we did before.

Especially I want to mention one type of work I enjoy and find useful: listening to another interpreter and following his translation with the original text. First, you start to better understand how the interpretation sounds from the third person and you get a grasp of what it should sound like. Second, pretty often other students suggest nice variants worth considering.
I started the course last January, and without exaggeration, it has drastically changed my university life. Here you understand what interpreting really is and what you should aspire to. Interpreting texts of such level and style is always more than just mere transition of basic structures and meanings: background knowledge, erudition and understanding of a political context is no less important than the language knowledge itself. Developing such a skill takes much effort and, in my opinion, great love to what you are doing. We are only at the beginning of the road and we still have so much to learn, but I think that motivation, goal designation, priority setting and dedication will help us overcome all the obstacles.

Feedback from Konstantin Khasanov, listener of the program for preparing for work in international organizations and UN competitive exams.

From the moment when MSLU went remote the same thing happened to the course, which might seem inconvenient, however I can assure you it’s nothing like it. We carry on studying and the only difference is that we talk to our teachers via webcam and microphone. The quality of the classes is still the same.

The program for preparing for work in international organizations and UN competitive exams is a good opportunity to gain skills and knowledge necessary both for professional and personal development.

Feedback from Anastasia Dmitrieva, a student of the preparation program for entrance examinations to the preparation program for work in international organizations and UN competitive language exams.

I’ve always wanted to study remotely. Now, when all the classes have gone online, I can say that I really enjoy this type of work. At first, I wasn’t sure that we would be able to practice simultaneous translation via Skype, however the classes are still interesting, informative and productive!
I’m glad that thanks to various online tools we don’t waste time and keep on studying as before.

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